This is the year to be dead serious about business efficiency,
productivity and value. That's why Communitelligence is combining its
two most innovative and engaging conferences into one jam-packed
learning event. Join us in Chicago when INNOVATING EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT meets EXECUTING SOCIAL MEDIA.
Register today for two stimulating days of learning and sharing on the
most essential aspects of employee engagement, HR and social media for
internal communications. This conference brings together practical solutions, valuable insights andpeer brainstormingtodrive engagement, loyalty and productivity.Don't
miss the premier employee engagement social media conference for
internal communicators, public relations and HR professionals.
Employee Engagement: A
heightened emotional connection that an employee feels for his or her
organization, that influences him or her to exert greater discretionary
effort to his or her work. Definition from The Conference Board
dive squarely into the huge hurdles internal communications and HR
managers are facing this year. They include employee morale in a down
economy, engaging diverse and far-flung employees across generations,
how to blend old and new communication channels, leveraging front-line
supervisors, and much more. There will be "economy-driven" topics, but
also plenty of sessions that will give you the edge on what's next, and
what you need to be doing this year to deliver more value and ROI from
your internal communications program..
Here are some of the critical questions we'll be addressing in this conference:
The link between engagementand earnings
What a culture of engagement looks like
Measuring engagement vital signs
Where employee engagement happens
Best practices for listening and communicating
Creating an award-winning workplace environment
Face-to-face vs. virtual channels
Keeping employees committed during periods of change
What to do after the employee survey
Keys to an effective employee engagement program
Leveraging front-line managers to drive engagement
Communicating across generations
Best practices when the news is bad
How to hold better town hall meetings
Social media employee policies
Intranets that foster engagement
Engagement through peer-to-peer communication
If you are struggling with any of the issues above, and need to come up with a game plan for your intranet, don't feel alone -- join us! Innovating Employee Engagement 2009 brings
together internal communications and HR thought leaders to learn, be
challenged, share and brainstorm about the future of their professions.
Register today as conference is limited to 125 attendees.
Organized by CommunitelligenceMedia and professional training organization.
Official Website: http://innovatingemployeeengagement-upcoming.eventbrite.com