Now led by Montrese Etienne, Dreaming Dancer
March Dates: 14th & 28th Dance your Dreaming Body-Shamanic Play
These two nights we will come into closer contact with our authentic selves by moving our body and souls to trance-inspiring music, chanting and drums. Be indigenous!
April Dates: 11th & 25th Embody your Inner Goddess - for both Men & Women
These two nights we will awaken the Divine Feminine with the exotic sounds of the Near East and other inspiring tunes. Wear your bangles and bells - bring your scarves, sensuous moves and let your inner Goddess shimmy. Men very welcome.
May Dates: 9th & 23 Around the World - Cultural Exchange
These dance jams will be an exotic adventure around the world via music. We will dance for world peace, tolerance and understanding. Come in exotic flare or as you are.
$15-1st dance is FREE!
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 24, 2008