February 26, 2011, 10am-6pm
"I wanted to let you both know how much I enjoyed the workshop. It was a great experience - I learned a lot and actually enjoyed most of it! It may be the best single day workshop I have attended in my professional career."
- Aidan C., San Francisco, California
Are You Fully Giving Your Gifts To The World?
There's no doubt that you've got a lot to offer. You're not just smart and creative - you genuinely care about people, and you have a unique vision for manifesting that creativity and caring in the world.
So why isn't it happening?
Why, when you sit down to bring that grand vision to life, do you find yourself wasting time on e-mail and social media? Why do you keep choosing to do minor chores, instead of work that really matters? Why do you keep arriving at the end of the workday and realizing, to your dismay, that nothing important got done?
I think we've all asked ourselves these questions at some point, and the answer often seems maddeningly unclear. What is clear, however, is that the usual organization and time management literature doesn't shed much light on it.
What This Workshop Offers You
The workshop will be based on my book, Inner Productivity: A Mindful Path to Efficiency and Enjoyment in Your Work. Inner Productivity, which Getting Things Done author David Allen calls "a great read and a useful guidebook for turning the daily grind into something much more interesting and engaging," is all about learning to allow - rather than resist - the thoughts and sensations that disrupt our focus.
In this full-day workshop, we put the book's ideas and techniques into practice. You'll come out of the workshop with an increased ability to focus on your work, a stronger sense of mission, and a deep-seated knowledge that you've got what it takes to face the challenges that come up in what you do.
Chris Edgar
Official Website: http://www.workconsciously.com/site/inner-productivity-intensive
Added by FullCalendar on January 14, 2011