Why do you know what you want to do in your work, but you still don't do it?
We've all asked ourselves this kind of question at some point, and the answer often seems maddeningly unclear. What is clear, however, is that the usual productivity literature doesn't shed much light on it.
Yes, there are neat tricks and "hacks" out there for organizing your e-mail, color-coding your folders, and finding the right iPhone apps. But as you probably know from painful experience, these tricks are useless if you aren't focused and motivated enough to put them into practice.
The Inner Productivity Intensive, a full-day workshop with Chris Edgar, author of Inner Productivity: A Mindful Path to Efficiency and Enjoyment in Your Work, is about developing focus and motivation "from the inside out" -- at a deeper level than most productivity techniques offer. Edgar will be joined by Rosy Moon Schlussel, a yoga instructor and workshop leader.
Drawing on meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness practices that have improved people's lives for thousands of years, Edgar's workshop will help you notice, and transform, the patterns of thinking and behavior holding you back in your work.
Inner Productivity, which Getting Things Done author David Allen calls "a great read and a useful guidebook for turning the daily grind into something much more interesting and engaging," uses insights from mindfulness practices and psychology to help readers find productivity and satisfaction in what they do.
Official Website: http://innerproductivity.eventbrite.com
Added by FullCalendar on May 31, 2010