Inner Engineering is a technology for wellbeing. It’s a method, a tool to engineer a deep lasting personal transformation. Over 1 million people have completed Inner Engineering and reported remarkable results. Inner Engineering gives you simple tools to eliminate stress, relieve chronic diseases like allergies, diabetes and heart disease, sleep better, increase energy and productivity, maintain emotional balance, improve relationships and communication and experience your life each moment to the fullest.
Part 1:
Inner Engineering Online
7 modules, each an hour and a half, that you can enjoy in the comfort of your home. A profound exploration of a different perspective to life that brings in a certain effortlessness and sense of deep fulfillment. Most importantly, it sharpens the mind into an even more effective tool of creation and enables you to enjoy the "little" things that you would tend to sometimes miss in rushed routine.
Part 2: Shambhavi
Mahamudra Programme
Two day programme with Sadhguru: half day Saturday and a full day on Sunday. Here you learn a Kriya (energy process utilizing the breath) that enhances health, detoxifies the body and increases the natural joy that we are all capable of. Quality of life increases for majority of people, stress reduces significantly, and with that a tangible decrease of stress related conditions, chronic illnesses, and unproductive emotions.
Both programmes are taught by Sadhguru.
Neither requires any change in lifestyle nor do they demand any flexibility. This is not physical yoga, rather an intellectual exploration followed by an energy based "blast" which is Sadhguru's forte.
Visit for prices, deals and further details
Added by IshaVolunteer on May 20, 2012