An open letter to men who are frustrated with memorizing openers, routines, and rehearsing material, but aren't getting the success they want with women...
"Give Us Just 1 Day And We Will Teach You The Essential, Natural And Heart Based Strategies To Attract Beautiful Women, Easily And Effortlessly... For The Rest Of Your Life...
From Robbie Kramer and Brian Begin, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Dear Friend,
Have you been working on your ability to meet and attract women for months even yearsand you'restill strugglingto get phone numbers, dates, great sex or the relationship you've always wanted?
Or are you aguy who has just found out about the underground seduction communitywith high hopes forsuccess, but youreunsurehow to get started,and you're feeling completely STUCK?
Maybe you've been dating lots of women but you can't seem to find that perfect match or you feel as if the women you really want are out of your leaguebutdon't know where to beginto make changes.
Well, weve been there. And it'stotally frustrating!
Its tough when you're doing all that you can to get out there out but there are so many things to do and not enough time to get it all done. And it's especially tough when you really want to meet that special girl that can just see you for you but feel too uncomfortable or nervous around her to let that side of yourself out.Let me tell you, youre doing a lot and thats great.
But somethingsMISSING,and youve known it
Butif you dont have the CONFIDENCE,you cant just magically wake up one day and feel like a powerful, confident man.
The truth is, you have to be confident to attract beautiful women... or sooner or later you'll have to settle for a woman you aren't crazy for or end up alone.
So, unless you start feeling and exuding that CONFIDENCE, your love life is not going to get better then it is now.
We both learned this the hard way... when we started to get this area of our life handled, we tried just about everything to get better with women and we had all the problems we listed above and more.
"Growing REAL confidence, not something faked on the outside, but an internal state and way being completely changed our lives"
If youve heard Brian and I speak before, youve heard us say that when women smell real confidence, they can't leave you alone and since we started doing exercises and practices to develop this in ourselves, we started dating beautiful women and having the time of our lives.
Weve helped hundreds of men (instead of just a handful) do the same and even become more attractive to women then us!
It's honestlybeen a dreamcome true, allowing us to:
Spend our time with women we chose
Easily and powerfully attract the women we desire
Keep a steady flow of sexy women into our life
Be absolutely confident around women
Quickly, deeply & honestly connect with women creating powerful passion
And, most important to us,live our LIFE PURPOSE!
For us,living our LIFE PURPOSEmeans being able to make aBIGdifference in so many lives and know we are having apositive impact in the world.
Now, we're not sharing about our life to brag.
Instead, we hope to inspire you to see that the life you want to create for yourself IS POSSIBLE. You can honor what really matters to you AND be successful.
There are specific tools you can learn to become powerfully attractive to women. Once you learn these tools there is reallyNOTHING STOPPING YOUfrom creating the relationship(s) of your dreams!
This is what George had to say:
"The Inner Confidence 1 Day Intensive was a great experience for me.If you are On the fence about taking a dating workshop I would recommend you check this workshop out.It goes right to the core of who you are and whats going on with you emotionally in the area of romance.No funny names, no pick up routines no fake stories tricking women into liking you, just 100% real emotional connection and strengthening your inner confidence.This is the necessary evolution of so called pick up arts into something more meaningful and organic."
George, 27 Los Angeles
Attract Women Using Natural, Heart-Based Principles
Robbies StoryWhen I (Robbie) was in high school and college, I didn't know anything about attracting women.I remember being dumpedon Valentines Day in 2005 and feeling like I was never gonna be able to meet another girl, have great sex and fall in love again. Whenever I used to try to talk to beautiful women, it was as if I turned into this totally different person that didnt feel at all like me.
I always felt like the least confident person whenever I went to a bar or social event and left feelingdisappointedandoverwhelmed.
Then I read "The Game" and went online and learned about all these methods to attract women and began to try them out.I've always been a goofball and jokester so being playful came pretty naturally to me. I heard about all these dating gurus talking about the importance of connection and rapport so I developed stories and interesting questions to keep the conversation going.
It was fantasticfor the first 3 days.But month after month ofno improvement started to take a toll on me.
I could never figure out why I got so many phone numbers but comparatively much fewer dates. I was always thinking of new routines, stories and tricks to connect with women but it only lead to mediocre results.
At one point I got fed up. I realized that I was put on this Earth tomake a differenceand that there must be an easy, natural and heart-based way to become wildly successful with women.
So, instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. I made awhatever-it-takesdecision. I decided that I was going to do whatever it took to find the right mentors and learn the key principles to become powerfully attractive in a way that was congruent with MY values. Most importantly, I committed to stretching andgrowing MYSELFso I could beliving my missionand making the difference I was put here to make.
Through the help of some key mentors and coaches, I created some really powerful exercises to strip away everything that was holding me back from success. Within 3 months I tripled my success and had a whole new reality with women.
Brians StoryMy (Brian's) story is a little different. It's been a long road getting to where I'm at today. I was painfullyshy and introverted going as far back as I can remember. I spent mychildhood and teenage years feeling like I waslocked in a prison.
Inmy early twenties, I started reading personal growth books and went toschool to learn hypnosis. After years of practicing hypnosis I wasstill really shy with women so I decided it was time to get this areaof my life handled once and for all.
I started studying pickup and intime became a head instructor for PickUp 101. My skills with womenwere improving rapidly along the way and after dating more confidentwomen than I had ever dated beforeI got my heart brokenon a wholenew level. At this point I realized that this work had more to dowith inner issues than outer technique so I continued my search...
Afterstudying different forms of desensitization, Tantra and using a mix ofother techniques my success with women and overall happiness ingeneral sky rocketed.When I looked back at my first year of failing to attract women, I realize that there really was nothing wrong with me.I was just missing the knowledge and step by step process I needed to improve rapidly.
After witnessing the power of this type of work,I started a company with my good friend, Robbie Kramer, and InnerConfidence was born. Together, we developed the Inner Confidence Model into the powerful female magnet tool it is today. Our business grew quickly, to the point that it has now become more like a movement. We feel so blessed to teach the worlds most authentic men (thats YOU!)how to attract women into their lives while staying true to their values.
Heres What We Learned"
All men want to be THEMSELVES while being able toattract the women they desire.
Instead, they try to learn all the "material," the "stuff" the lines and routines that mask their true selves and their true nature.
So, Are You Ready to ATTRACT WOMENQuickly and Easily?
If the answer is Yes! well help you get started right away.When you register for the Inner ConfidenceDay Intensive,what used to seem difficult before will now seem like second nature to you.
In only 1 Day youll learn:
The three keys to becoming a naturally attractive man who has choice with women.
How to meet women in a dynamically authentic and natural way. Forget using any lines, routines, or canned material. Finally... you're going to discover how to be magnetic, compelling, and charismatic, all by being genuinely you...
How to create instant connection that leads to hot sex. (we'll teach you 3 simple ways) and why connection matter more then anything you say to a woman.
Exactly why women love to resist men and how to use it to your advantagein a way that will only make them even more attracted to you.
Warning! What NOT to do if you want to start conversations with ease and grace... no matter how many other "gurus" tell you to do this!
How to unlock your authentic masculine presence and really understand what it means to be an alpha male.
And so much more!
"Well Now YOU Have ATTRACTED the Right Support
Here is What Other Men Have Said About This Workshop...
This simple 1 Day Program has made a huge difference in my life.Its like being handed a map that I should have had years ago!It set me on the path where I started dating the women I thought I could never get.Thank you Robbie and Brian for your wisdom, support, acknowledgement and skill building.
James 30, Los Angeles
My name is John and I am 28. There were a lot of reasons why I took the Inner Confidence Workshop but it all comes down to a simple concept - a life without limitations. I realize that the only limitations I have are the ones I created for myself. It's time to stop holding back and to act with my full potential. Prior to the workshop, I felt as if I hit a dead end. I could see where I needed to go but it was a level deeper than what I could reach on my own. Over the course of the workshop, I felt myself letting go of old issues and opening up in new ways. More importantly, I experienced some of the very fears holding me back and was shown a way to step up past them. I thought I had very good eye contact before the workshop but since then, I've reached new levels where a simple look are taking woman bystorm! It's really been intense and I also feel way more centered in life.
John 28, New York
Imagine All of the New Women You'll Get
And imagine all of thetime and energyyou'll save as you fill your life with women with ease.
Youll save years of struggle by learning theseSAME STRATEGIESthat have helped us change the lives of hundreds of men (including our own). We want it to be easier for you. So weve honed it down to afew simple and easy-to-useskills that youll get in just 1 day.
Remember, most men are not dating the women they want. They arestruggling to meet women, find time to go out to expensive bars and clubs and not enjoying life...Why?
It's almost never about their abilities. It is usuallybecause they don't haveconfidencein their abilities.
During the workshop, well share our proprietary system, the7 Dynamics Steps To Attract Women By Being Yourself, and teach you how tobecome powerfully attractivewithout compromising your values.By learning these skills you will follow in the footsteps of successful men who have taken this workshop before you. Get ready toATTRACT MORE WOMENinto your life.
By now you are probably thinking This sounds great, Robbie and Brian, but how much does it cost?
Im curious, how much would it be worth to you to know that you couldFILL YOUR LIFEwith the women you desire?
Hundreds, Thousands??? How about PRICELESS!HOW WILL YOU FEELonce you are finally that powerfully attractive man?
We've spent tens of thousands of dollars on dating seminars that dont come close to sharing theESSENTIALinformationyoull get at this workshop. But were not going to charge you thousands of dollars for this 1 Day Intensive.
We arent even going to charge you the regular price of $497 for this life changing event.
Weve got aSPECIAL OFFERfor YOU (for alimited time only).If you act now, we want to give you aFULL SCHOLARSHIPto attend the workshop. These events tend to fill up quickly so please reserve your seat right away. Just to confirm, your attendance is a gift from us.
Yes, its true.
This is yourFULL SCHOLARSHIPto this 1 Day Intensive.
Now, you are probably wondering"Why on earthwould you give me afull scholarshipto this 1-Day Intensive that willcompletely shift my ability to attract women?"
Well, here's the truth:It's a win/win!We are committed to transformation spreading like wildfire into the mainstream consciousness. And we know we can't do it alone. We see you, as a man of utmost integrity and honor as our partner in this mission.
And weWISHthis information had been available to us when we were just starting out. We would have saved so much time and stress. We did some things theHARD WAYand we want to save you the trouble.
And, some men who come to our workshop get so inspired by the value they receive that they choose to continue working with us in our more advanced programs. Theres no pressure to continue with us. We have been blessed, though, because enough men continue on with us, that it allows us to continue to offer theInner Confidence1 Day Intensive on FULL SCHOLARSHIP. We love this model becausethe risk is on us. In order to have a thriving business, we have to deliver great content and value at the event.
Isn't it Time You Got on the Fast Track Building Life With Women You Always wanted?
Now, your schedule may be clear and you may be ready to register. Or, you may have to rearrange your schedule to be there. Either way, we have to ask you, Isn't it worth one day of your life to learnthe ESSENTIAL STRATEGIESto having the ability to attract the women you desire? Inonly 1 dayyou will gain what took us years to learn.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Let's Wrap This Up
Special Seminar being held in Marina Del Rey, CA. on Saturday, March 28th from 1pm to 4pm.
To Your Success,
Robbie Kramer & Brian Begin
Any questions?Call us:
(714) 329-2535
Inner Confidence, Inc.4133 Redwood Ave. Suite 4018Los Angeles, CA 90066
2009 Inner Confidence, Inc.
Organized by Inner ConfidenceRobbie Kramer, Brian Begin and the ladies of Inner Confidence
Ticket Info: Member, Free
Official Website: http://innerconfidence-upcoming.eventbrite.com