389 Pitt Street
Sydney, New South Wales

Using IA to enhance the use and effectiveness of your information system.

Information architecture (IA) involves structuring, organising, navigating, labelling and indexing information on intranets and websites to assist organisations in achieving their information needs. It is used to decide how a site should be structured, what kind of content it should host, and how to accommodate its future growth. IA is the foundation of good website or intranet design as it ensures the site will meet business and user needs and defines the backbone of an information system.

This two-day interactive workshop will provide a thorough overview and understanding about how to effectively use information architecture to make your intranet or website as effective as possible. It will cover a wide range of information architecture issues such as the following:

*What information architecture is and how it can facilitate user experience

*Analysing and sorting content

*Carrying out user research: surveys, focus groups and card sorting

*Classifying, sorting and labelling within your information system

*Using wireframes and site maps: the ‘bread and butter’ tools of IA

*Navigating, indexing and designing page layouts

*Effectively carrying out your IA project: tips, tools, techniques and processes

Official Website: http://www.arkgroupaustralia.com.au/events-c046IAandCollaborativeDesign.htm

Added by Cocktail Princess on April 23, 2008



This was a complete waste of time and money. Would not recommend it to anyone. The groups are small but they will tell you they are expecting a large number of people. The men are hideous and have emotional issues, not to mention completely unattractive.

Go and see a movie instead because you will regret the $35 you spent.