281 Park Avenue South
New York, New York

Building upon the original article and the spirited discussions that ensued, we’re now pleased to offer Information Architecture 3.0: The Workshop.

As we venture beyond Web 2.0 and the undisciplined, unbalanced quest for sexy Ajaxian interaction at the expense of usability, findability, and accessibility, how do we reconcile the timeless principles of design and organization with new transmedia models of interaction, co-creation, tagging, and user participation?

In this advanced seminar, Peter Morville draws upon stories, examples, case studies, and discussions to explore the future present of information architecture and user experience.

Topics include:
* Integrating product development, information architecture, and interaction design to create good experiences and sustainable value (real Web 2.0 case studies that take the discussion beyond de.licio.us and Flickr platitudes).
* Designing next-generation enterprise search systems that combine best practices in taxonomies and tagging with search analytics, guided navigation, thesauri, clustering algorithms, and rich result interfaces.
* Evaluating the multi-channel challenges and real-world opportunities presented by ambient findability and the emerging Internet of objects.

Official Website: http://smartexperience.org/classes/ia-30/

Added by anthonyarmendariz on September 5, 2007

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