5511 15th Ave S
Seattle, Washington 98108

InfoCamp is an unconference for anyone interested in UX, IA, user-centered design, interaction design, librarianship, information management, online search, or related fields.

It features an egalitarian, community-driven format in which most presentations are designed and delivered by participants.

And it's a lot of fun!

Folks who attended last year's InfoCamp said...

"Amazing diversity and enthusiasm. I felt like I was part of a community of passionate professionals."

"I needed a break from the rules and restrictions of the domain I work in and just explore ideas and concepts. InfoCamp totally did that for me."

"I felt much more at ease presenting at InfoCamp than I have anywhere else - the participants were amazing: they asked questions, made comments/discussion, were interested and friendly - in short, IT WAS AWESOME!"

Tickets: $50 (or $10 for students). Register online at http://infocamp2009.eventbrite.com

Schedule: 9am-5pm on both Saturday and Sunday, with a party on Saturday evening.

Speakers: At InfoCamp, most sessions are given by the participants (that means you). But to kick things off, we're bringing in a couple of speakin' superstars! This year, our keynote speaker on Saturday will be Axel Roesler (prof. of interaction design at the UW school of art), and our plenary speaker on Sunday will be Vanessa Fox (SEO expert, consultant, and writer).

Get involved:

Join us at InfoCamp Seattle 2009 on October 10 & 11!

Official Website: http://infocamp.info

Added by InfoCampSeattle on May 24, 2009



Over 120 people have registered for InfoCamp already!

We can sell only 350 tickets this year...


326 people have registered for InfoCamp! Only 24 tickets left. Get yours at http://infocamp2009.eventbrite.com before online registration closes at 5pm.