129 Pehle Ave.
Saddlebrook, New Jersey 07663

If you have a business online, you have GOT to have your own products if you want to make any real money! And Fred Gleeck and Bob Bly are the guys are the guys to learn this topic from! Fred has created more than 1,000 info products in his career and can certainly teach any infopreneur a thing or two!

On October 25th and 26th they'll do just that at the "Info Product Seminar". There are 7 great speakers scheduled including Gina Gaudio-Graves who will share strategies for figuring out what the right topic is for your market.

Learn how to create your info product, how to promote your info product and make it a best seller, and how to use your info product to sell more of ANYTHING else you have to offer!

You'll find all the details at:


Official Website: http://www.askggg.com/infony

Added by gina.gaudio.graves on October 2, 2008

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