4408 Delridge Way SW,
Seattle, Washington 98106

The University of Washington student chapter and the Pacific Northwest Chapter of ASIS&T are holding the first annual InfoCamp. Professionals and students from all corners of the information world are invited to come, share ideas, make new friends, and cross pollinate the information ecosystem.

The philosophy of this event is "no spectators"! InfoCamp is based on the BarCamp philosophy that everyone in attendance will participate, so come prepared to present on a topic of interest to you. Projectors, screens, and chalkboards/whiteboards will be provided -- please bring your laptop, PowerPoint slides, and posters to present. We will have two great speakers (Nick Finck and Bob Boiko) to open and close the event, but all other presentations will be given just-in-time by InfoCamp attendees.

Our intention is to make this event accessible to the greatest number of people possible, so the cost is only $20 (but it's FREE for students or members of ASIS&T or the Information Architecture Institute).

Official Website: http://asistpnw.org/infocamp2007/

Added by zachhale on August 19, 2007



We're excited to announce our keynote speaker and plenary speaker: Nick Finck and Bob Boiko! Nick Finck will speak on Saturday and Bob Boiko will speak on Sunday.


Based on the numbers I heard from Rachel, it sounds like there is going to be a pretty good turnout for the event!


Yes, we've got a nice number already! Still hope for more people to join in...

If folks have RSVP'd here on Upcoming but haven't registered yet, now would be a good time to register for InfoCamp:

Also, please read the message to participants here:
http://www.asistpnw.org/?p=17 (you may have received an email version of this if you're already registered).



9 people replied yes here on Upcoming, but over 12 times that many are actually registered! There's still room for more. See you there!


95 people attended InfoCamp Seattle 2007! It was a great success all around.

Thanks to our sponsors, volunteers, and participants!


Thanks for the update. Good to hear about the success!


InfoCamp Seattle 2007 was so successful that we're going to put it on again in 2008! Mark your calendars for September 27-28, 2008. See http://infocamp.info for more details.