2310 North First Street
San Jose, California 95131

The decline of ethics in business, government and private institutions is consistently in the forefront of news in Silicon Valley and throughout the world. This seemingly ceaseless demonstration of illicit behavior transcends boardrooms and staterooms and involves all levels of leaders and professionals. As a training and development professional, what can you do to promote an ethical culture? Join us to hear insights from leading research to help you create positive solutions for your company or clients.

Getting at the root cause of unethical behavior is an enormous challenge. However, two major influences have been identified as prime contributors to the quest for greed and power: our business education system and excessively competitive corporate cultures. Our presenters will share insights from leading research and field experience that will enable organizational leaders to identify potential for unethical behavior and implement solutions that add integrity back into the system.

Cameron Bilger MBA, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in the undergraduate and MBA programs at Silicon Valley University.

Eric Doner is the founder and Principal of AchieveCorp, a national firm that provides consulting, tools and training to enable organizations to remove barriers to performance and increase business results.

Official Website: http://astdgoldengate.org

Added by FullCalendar on September 20, 2012