1013 K Street
Sacramento, California

Infinity & Chashu Ramen comes to Sacramento with a VIP reception and two screenings. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Northern California District Council of the Buddhist Churches of America.

2:00 PM VIP reception
4:00 PM First screening
6:45 PM Second screening

The universe unfolds a little differently in San Francisco’s Japantown. It operates in a way you couldn’t possibly comprehend. But there is a method to its madness and for the most part it runs as smoothly as a Tokyo train station. However, every once in a great while, it needs a little help.

Two unseen spirits will wander in and out of the lives of Japantown residents, trying to keep the universe in order. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they fail but no matter what they will irreparably change and connect the lives of dozens of people – whether they like it or not.

“ 'Infinity & Chashu Ramen’ is a rarity, an independent film made by Japanese Americans about Japanese Americans and the foibles of their everyday lives, made on a modest budget from the out-of-pocket donations of individuals.” (John Sammon, Nikkei West, 1/10/2013)

$10 in advance available Northern California Buddhist Churches, at Osaka-ya (2215 10th St, Sacramento) or online at tickets.com
$12.50 at the door or on tickets.com (service charges may apply).

$30 in advance for a SPECIAL 2:00 pm VIP reception with some of the actors and crew. Catered by Megami Bento Ya (1010 10th St, Sacramento). Includes a ticket to the show

contact: ICRSacramento@gmail.com

website: http://infinityandchashuramen.com

Link to ICR page on the Crest website: http://www.thecrest.com/calendar/expand.cfm?EventID=4179#.UWTVmMoQOh8

Official Website: http://infinityandchashuramen.com/add-product/

Added by BenHaaMin on April 18, 2013

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