641 Penn. Ave SE
Washington, District of Columbia 20003

Tuesday series: May 6, 13, 20 and 27 (11am-12noon)

Learn to calm and soothe your baby through nurturing touch. With nurturing touch your baby with be more relaxed. Research also shows that babies who are massaged sleep deeper and longer, spend more time active and alert for learning, increase bonding and attachments to their parents, and improve elimination.

Classes are taught in small groups of parent/caregivers and their babies from 4 weeks old to pre-crawling. Classes run for 1 hour for four weeks so your baby gradually adjusts to your nurturing touch.

Cost: 4 classes for $90/infant

To Register or for more info, contact: Granetta Coleman (DC Lic. LMT MT0483 and Educator of Infant Massage) contact@healthymotions.com or (202) 276-0517

Register early, class size is limited.

Official Website: http://www.capitolhillyoga.com

Added by Gcoleman on April 8, 2008



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