Speech codes. Censorship. Sensitivity training. Political conformity and rehabilitation. Intolerance. Hostility to religion. Violations of freedom of speech and conscience. Kangaroo courts. We usually associate such things with the repressive regimes of North Korea, China, Cuba, and the former Soviet Union.
But instead, this assault on free thought is taking place all over America--right now--on our nation's campuses.
Award-winning filmmaker Evan Coyne Maloney's new documentary film, Indoctrinate U, reveals the ugly truths about academia that you won't see in their glossy admissions brochures.
Directed By: Evan Maloney, Produced By: Blaine Greenberg, Stuart Browning, Thor Halvorssen, Frayda Levy
Official Website: http://phoenixobjectivists.blogspot.com
Added by VivaJefferson on January 17, 2009