Two Fat Ladies...Legs Eleven...Clickety Click...Two Little Ducks...Unlucky For Some...
Indie Bingo's back on Wednesday 7th October!
Come down for fun and games, your chance to win GREAT prizes and listen to your favourite tunes all at the same time!
It’s held at the wonderfully stylish Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes, so we also have bowling, karaoke, a cinema and 50’s style diner!
Doors open at 8pm and the first game of bingo is at 9pm, so get down early to win!
If you wanna be on the super duper cheap list just email us at otherwise it’s still just a measly £3. You get a FREE BINGO CARD on entry. Banging.
Looking forward to seeing all your pretty faces!..x
8pm - 2am - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month
Entry £3 or £2 with flyer / NUS / badge / mailing list (includes 1st bingo card)
DJs Mike (Candybox / ListenUp! / Bedrock) and Dave (Candybox / Good Ship) playing the best Indie, Electro & Retro
Added by Indie Bingo on September 21, 2009