Indianapolis Productivity Summit - March 30, 2009
Do you spend part of your workday doing something that no one should have to do?
Do your computers and software systems seem to work against you?
Are you tired of one-size-all fads? Are you ready to become more productive and satisfied?
Come to the Indianapolis Productivity Summit,a one-day seminar with four 90 minute courses designed to help improve your methodology and workflow. Pick and choose or attend the full event! Topics include:
Session 1: Managing Email Productivity
The inbox is the engine of modern business, but how many of us are drowning in messages? Take control of your email and learn how to keep your inbox at zero messages. Learn all over again how to write and read email to transform your inbox from burden to workhorse.
Session 2: Power Modeling- Self Training
Every workplace technology brings promises of increased efficiency, yet the reality brings headaches, incompatibilities and frustrations. Specialized training helps but is often expensive and is always time-consuming. Instead of learning a new tool by rote, learn by rebuilding your mental model and become an expert in less time.
Session 3: Workplace Productivity Tools
Working smarter doesn't just mean getting more done in less timeit also enables you to improve the quality of your output and to pursue greater opportunities. This course covers a suite of techniques for saving steps without cutting corners, no matter where your work is done.
Session 4: Continous Improvement Primer
You may have heard of Six Sigma, Lean, TCO, JIT, TQM, Kaizen, 5S and Business Process Reengineering. You may have heard these terms but not really understand what they mean. Learn the key components of each technique, including advantages and drawbacks as well as real-world case studies in this overview of Continuous Improvement.
Special "RECESSION BUSTER" pricing for anyone currently unemployed!
Sign Up Today!
Organized by Slaughter Development
Ticket Info: - Session 1: Managing Email Productivity
, $35.00 - Session 2: Power Modeling – Self Training
, $35.00 - Session 3: Workplace Productivity Tools
, $35.00 - Session 4: Continuous Improvement Primer
, $35.00 - Full Day Pass (25% Savings)
, $100.00 - Full Day Pass (Unemployed attendees only)
[Recession buster!], $60.00
Official Website: http://indyproductivitysummit-upcoming.eventbrite.com