Join us for Indian Summer Showcase 2011, an evening concert series presented on the museum’s Welcome Plaza.
Tonight's concert features the Red Power Squad, a group from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Formed in 1998 by Conway Kootenay, the Red Power Squad is a Native rap and hip-hop group designed to provide an outlet for inner-city youth.
Since 2006, Indian Summer Showcase has hosted 22 concerts featuring 29 groups from more than 15 Native communities in the United States, Canada, and five Latin American countries.
******Break-Dancing Lessons with the Red Power Squad*******
Saturday, August 6, 2011
12:00 – 1:00pm
Potomac Atrium
Members of the Red Power Squad offer visitors a chance to learn some break dance moves, so get out your cardboard and your parachute pants!
Added by Kellie Hogan on August 3, 2011