525 Los Coches St
Milpitas, California 95035

Prof. Dard Neuman, Chair in Classical Indian Music UC Santa Cruz

REGISTER by emailing vishnu@indiacc.org

Admission: FREE; Suggested donation $10 to defray expenses

The Forum @ ICC invites you to a lecture cum demonstration on the evolution of Indian classical music over centuries to its present form. Learn about how and what influences it has absorbed over time, how Indian music differs from western classical music in structure and many other questions from a highly regarded scholar of Indian classical tradition. The presentation will include rare recordings from artists from the turn of the 19th century to the present.

Dard Neuman is Assistant Professor of Music and Hasan Endowed Chair in Classical Indian Music at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He got his Ph.D. in Anthropology from Columbia University in 2004. He has studied the sitar for thirty-two years. His research interests concern the musical cultivation, transmission and performance of Hindustani music in twentieth century North India.

Added by indiacomcenter on April 29, 2009

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