Dispel the myths related to sustainable meetings costing more. Improve resource efficiency and let that be the driver of profitability and a key component in the pre-planning process of managing your event in an environmentally friendly way. Learn procurement best practices; assess your supply chain especially related to product life cycle. Event organizers and suppliers partnerships are key to the success of your event. Learn how to establish a joint commitment level. Find out how and why this is important and how to negotiate for change.
Case studies will illustrate how reducing your event environmental impact can lead to reducing costs, improve your organization's reputation and relationships with attendees and stakeholders, and improve your bottom-line. Areas focused on will include identifying your waste streams targeting a zero waste event; reducing your consumption of energy and water; reducing food miles through sustainable food; carbon offsets, and eco-labels.
You will learn how to set a baseline for your event, create objectives and targets, measure your success, track your savings both environmentally and economically, and communicate your accomplishments with accurate reporting tools.
Official Website: http://www.ceu.csupomona.edu/courses/dynamic_content/courses/default.aspx?courseid=3306
Added by CEU, CalPoly Pomona on January 3, 2012