One Harvard Yard
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

A special event for members of the Harvard class of 2010 (welcome!):

What do Humanists eat when they get together, anyway? Oh yes, and if there is no single, overarching meaning or purpose to all life, can you live a seriously meaningful life that isn't just self-centered? Work on some answers for these and many more big questions at the Harvard Humanist Chaplaincy's open house in the office of the Board of Ministry, ground floor, The Memorial Church, Harvard Yard, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. (Hint on the first question: probably something very multi-ethnic...) For more information contact Greg M. Epstein, Humanist Chaplain at Harvard, at (617) 495-5986 or

Official Website:

Added by humanist on September 8, 2006

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