17 Kings Parade
Cambridge, England CB2 1SP

This is the first of what will hopefully be a regular, open meeting place where entrepreneurs can meet with investors (and anyone else who fancies coming along) in a totally informal setting.

Imagine it more as a big open lounge where people come and go, talk to others in their industry, showcase demos of what they are working on, save the world, and ultimately maybe get some work done and run a few small meetings.

(description taken from posts here:

Added by jedc on February 11, 2009



Darn, am in London with clients. Would have loved to come....
Thanks for setting this up
Rebecca Caroe


since this meetup was so successful, we've moved OpenCoffee to meetup: http://www.meetup.com/cambridgeopencoffee/

thanks again to jedc for setting this all up.
