Professor Dame Hazel Genn DBE QC, Dean of the Faculty of Laws, UCL,has great pleasure in inviting you to an Inaugural Lecture and Reception to followBeyond safety? The broadening scope of risk regulationbyProfessor Maria Lee, UCL Law Faculty
chaired byProfessor Joanne Scott
Thursday 19 March 2009 at 6pm
in JZ Young Lecture Theatre, Anatomy BuildingUCL, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
A reception will follow in the North Cloisters
About Professor Maria LeeMaria Lee joined UCL in 2007. She taught previously at Kings College London and at the University of Central Lancashire. She is a member of the London Sustainable development Commission (
http://www.londonsdc.org/). Maria Lees main research interests lie in the law and policy of environmental protection. She concentrates particularly on the governance of decision making, examining the use of expertise, public participation and varied regulatory approaches in a range of areas, including genetically modified organisms, waste and water. Maria's main focus is regulation at EU level, but the relationships between EU, national and international actors are inevitably significant.
Maria is completing a monograph for publication by Edward Elgar in 2008 entitled EU Regulation of GMOs: Law, Decision-making and New Technology. This book explores the EUs highly elaborate regulatory framework for GMOs. This extends far beyond the process of authorisation (or not) of GMOs for the EU market, raising issues in disparate legal disciplines including intellectual property, consumer protection, and civil liability. GMOs also highlight important questions of legitimacy in a context of multi-level governance, both internally towards national and local government, and externally in a world where technologies and their regulation have global impacts. Maria is a member of the editorial committee of the Environmental Law Review (
Organized by UCL Law FacultyThe Faculty of Laws at UCL has a world-class reputation for research, and has been rated by the UK government in the highest categories for both research and teaching.
We value research not only in contributing to the quality of our teaching and the supervision we give our students, but also in its contribution to the development of law and its influence on legal practice and public policy.
The Faculty was ranked 2nd in the UK by The Times Good University Guide (subject table: Law) in 2008. UCL is ranked 7th in the World University rankings.
Ticket Info: Standard Ticket: Prof. Maria Lee Inaugural Lecture, Free
Official Website: http://inaugural-lee-upcoming.eventbrite.com