55 John Street
Toronto, Ontario

Newcomer Women's Services Toronto (NEW) is seeking nominees for a new Awards program recognizing the contributions of newcomer women to Canada. The inaugural launch of the Awards will be held at Metro Hall in Toronto on September 23, 2009.

These new Ontario Awards are the first of their kind to pay homage to the hope, resolution and perseverance of women who, through hard work, courage and resilience, and with integrity and a positive attitude have struggled through hardship in order to make a new life for themselves and/or their families in Canada. The Awards also recognize that personal achievement should not always be measured by monetary gain or professional recognition alone.

The Catharine Parr Traill Awards for Newcomer Women are named in honour of a courageous early settler in Ontario, a mother and author who immigrated from England in 1832. “Although 2009 marks the 110th anniversary of the end of Catharine Parr Traill’s life, she continues to be a role model for the newcomer women of the 21st century who, like Catharine, overcome countless barriers with hope, resolution and perseverance,” said Marguerite Pyron, NEW’s Chief Executive Officer.

The Awards will annually honour five women who have lived in Canada for less than 10 years. Awards criteria and a downloadable nominations form are posted on the NEW website, www.newcomerwomen.org, or are available from the Project Manager at ea@newcomerwomen.org Deadline for Nominations is Monday, August 17, 2009.

The launch of the Awards has been made possible through a generous grant from the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration’s Ontario’s Community Builders Program.

Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto is a registered charity that assists newcomer women to develop the language, employment- related skills and cultural understanding they need for their successful integration into Canadian society

For more information contact:
Marilyn Sanders
CPTA Project Manager
Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto

Official Website: http://www.newcomerwomen.org

Added by jengougeon on July 15, 2009

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