In this talk, Rob will present a series of code demos that highlight key patterns for REST applications.
Learn how to handle versioning, security, caching, asynchronous tasks, hypermedia and much more.
The demos will cover correct usage of HTTP verbs, a wide variety of different hypermedia formats, handling HTTP errors and effective use of HTTP status codes.
This talk follows on from Rob's earlier talk on 'Grokking Hypermedia' which covered why First Banco are heavy users of proper REST (not just pretty URLs), how to do true REST and why you should do it.
This talk is part of a series of talks by Rob Harrop, CTO of First Banco and co-founder of SpringSource, the software company behind the wildly-successful Spring Framework.
If you'd like to join Rob for his next talk, titled 'Beyond the Valley - not all startups are in Tech' you can sign up here
Official Website:
Added by skills.matter on September 24, 2012