Why a robot?
High-output engineering requires managers to leverage a diverse set of tools and applications to maximize engineering time. This reliance on development tools is ever-increasing – from source control, sprint management, and automated testing to continuous delivery. Amidst this constant expansion, the topography of engineering support systems seems to grow without end. What any high-output team needs is a way to simplify and consolidate information, complete time-consuming tasks, and focus attention around the issues that actually matter. We need … robot.
Really, we’re building a robot?
Yes. And, IRC chat is well-suited for just such a facility. We can create our own robot to join the chat, listening for queues and responding – completing complex, intra-system tasks, or telling us the weather. This session will set your bot up for success, guiding you through the set of decisions about what uses you want for you bot. Using GitHub’s hubot project as a platform, we will take a whimsical journey through the installation of your first bot, the use of the IRC client, and the creation of your first script. You will leave will a full-fledged robot, ready to take on the automation of your development process.
To prepare…
In advance, please:
install git(and if needed read the tutorial here:http://learn.github.com/p/intro.html)
sign up for a heroku account (the free version will be just fine) – www.heroku.com; read the deployment instructions - https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git
clone the hubot project - https://github.com/github/hubot
Official Website: http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/home/domo-aregato-juice-up-your-development-cycle-with-your-own-robot/mh-6989
Added by skills.matter on April 16, 2013