Effect Mapping is a technique for high level project visualization. It provides an excellent level of visibility to stakeholders and helps drive software projects towards delivering the right product with a high level of quality.
Effect Mapping also facilitates the application of several techniques of agile planning, product design, prioritisation and scoping and providing focus for TDD, BDD and other good iterative development techniques. In practice, I've found the combination of these techniques by far the most powerful way of iterative product management.
In this talk, Gojko will present Effect Mapping with several examples and discuss how it can help teams avoid "user story hell".
Sign up here: http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/agile-testing/effect-maps/js-1641
Official Website: http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/agile-testing/effect-maps/js-1641
Added by skills.matter on August 22, 2011