Hypermedia isn't an afterthought. It's one of the most important concepts in building REST systems.
While it is possible to build RESTish systems without using this infamous constraint, you should really make sure you know what you are giving up when you do it. You should also understand why systems that don't involve Hypermedia aren't "REST". The goal isn't to be compliant with some priggish definition. The goal is to build systems that demonstrate the properties that all of the constraints entail. We will review the idea behind this least understood part of REST design and hopefully remind you that you probably do already get it.
Brian will also be giving away one copy of Mike Amundsen's Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node from O'Reilly Media.
Official Website: http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/design-architecture/hypermedia-rest/js-1641
Added by skills.matter on January 30, 2012