1549 El Prado
San Diego, California 92101

WHAT: “In Solidarity With Iran” is the region’s first public rally in support of the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom and basic human rights.

WHEN: 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, July 24

WHERE: Balboa Park, 1900 Park Blvd.,
San Diego, CA (at the corner of
Presidents’ Way, on the lawn)

WHO: 500 + expected to attend to show San Diego’s alliance with the international community during the Global Days of Solidarity and to humanize the voice of millions of Iranians in their struggle for democracy.

The program is being held in collaboration with: Survivors of Torture International, Amnesty International and End Violence Against Women International

CONTACT: Stephanie Hanson, 760-230-2936,

UPDATES: www.notorture.org

BACKGROUND: According to Human Rights Watch, Iranian authorities are using prolonged harsh interrogations, beatings, sleep deprivation, and threats of torture to extract false confessions from detainees arrested since the disputed June 12 presidential election. The confessions appear designed to support unsubstantiated allegations by senior government officials that Iran’s post-election protests, in which at least 20 people were killed, were supported by foreign powers and aimed at overthrowing the government. According to an Amnesty International news alert, hundreds of Iranian detainees continue to be at risk of torture and other ill-treatment.

This rally is being held on the eve of the Global Day of Action (July 25), for which supporters around the world are organizing rallies in support of the Iranian people and in condemnation of the human rights abuses. We stand together for:
1) Civil and human rights for the people of Iran;
2) Stopping the abuse of power—the imprisonment, torture, and killing; and
3) Solidarity with the Iranian people.

Added by aharter on July 21, 2009

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