'In Prison All My Life,' tells the story of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has been on Death Row for the past 27 years in solitary confinement for the killing of a white police officer. Mumia has consistently denied the charge and claims that his trial was deeply flawed by racism. Amnesty International concluded in a report that Mumia's original 1982 trial was unfair. Mumia had been a highly regarded journalist, and since l982, while in prison, his commentaries have been broadcast on WBAI and l00 other radio stations. Highlights of the film are the startling recently discovered Dec. 9, 1981 crime scene photos as well as a first time interview with Mumia's brother, Billy Cook, who was at the scene of the crime and who has never spoken since the night of the shooting. He was not called to testify and "disappeared" after that. This is the first time he talks about what happened that night. The film is followed by a panel discussion.
Added by Upcoming Robot on November 28, 2008