::::::::IN[ ]EX:::::::::
IN[ ]EX is a distributed audio sculpture in which thousands of wooden blocks with embedded technology are released into the city to engage the public as active agents.
The blocks are distributed through an array of interventions that reference early models of instruction-based participatory works.
As the blocks circulate, they transmit data which is collected by mesh networks and processed to create a constantly remixed sound environment in a shipping container.
IN[ ]EX explores the migration of capital, goods, and people through the ports and public spaces of Vancouver, Canada, and San José, California.
IN[ ]EX will launch at Centre A, Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, on June 16, 2006 and will be part of ISEA 2006 in San Jose, California August 7-13, 2006.
::::::::::::::::Schedule of Events::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Friday June 16:
Opening: Centre A, 8pm
Saturday June 17:
IN[ ]EX Opening Ceremonies with 1 City Block:1 City Block is a psychogeographical investigation of a single city block. The IN[ ]EX mobile unit will be on hand to take field readings of the activity that is generated by the release of the blocks. Centre A, 2pm
Wednesday June 21:
Opening: Earth: World Urban Festival (Great Northern Way), 3pm
Sunday June 25:
IN[ ]EX Closing Ceremonies: a traditional Japanese tea ceremony presented in association with World Tea Party. At the event we will be reading live data and serving live tea with Keith Snyder (Sensei Resident Urasenke Tea Ceremony Teacher) and Tea Trolley . On site at the container (WUF site): 4:30pm
:::::::::Distribution and Data Reading:
Various Events and Locations (Selected):::::::::::::::
These are some of the locations IN[ ]EX is planning to hit in Vancouver as we roam the city distributing blocks and collecting and creating events using our mobile mesh network. IN[ ]EX is a distributed audio sculpture in which the movement of people through the city generates an audio environment in the space of a shipping container.
Earth: The World Urban Festival : IN[ ]EX is on site at the festival from June 21-25. Come down anytime to see what's brewing.
WUF III: World Urban Forum
Tactical Ice Cream Unit (TICU): an initiative of The Centre for Tactical Magic
Public transportation tagged for live data readings (Bus, Skytrain, Seabus, Aquabus)
Centre A: from/in/around the Downtown East Side
Alcan Dragon Boat Festival
Car-Free Commercial Drive Festival and EastVan Chopper Fest
Stanley Park Bike Festival
Vancouver International Airport (International Pick up)
Hot Dogs with Morad
World Tea Party
:::::::::On the fly : Keep a lookout for blocks in the city :::::::::
IN[ ]EX is a collaborative project by Kate Armstrong, Bobbi Kozinuk, M. SImon Levin, Laurie Long, Leonard J. Paul, Manuel Pina, and Jean Routhier. Curator: Alice Ming Wai Jim.
Official Website: http://in-ex.ca
Added by katearmstrong on June 14, 2006