11001 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44106

Members of Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble—violinists Colin Jacobsen and Johnny Gandelsman, violist Nicholas Cords, cellist Eric Jacobsen, ney (reed flute) soloist Siamak Jahangiri, kemancheh (spiked fiddle) virtuoso Kayhan Kalhor, bassist Jeff Beecher, and percussionist Mark Suter—perform an evening of stunningly beautiful music ranging from Bartók to Alizadeh and from Komitas to Kalhor. This cross-cultural musical group has released two CDs on the Sony Classical label and performed for audiences worldwide. $34, CMA members $29.


Official Website: http://www.clevelandart.org/educef/viva2006/html-pop/5326948.html

Added by sanatana_dharma2002 on December 13, 2006