1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 95014

July 17, 2008, 7-9 PM

Internationalizing the Virtual World

Speaker: Ben Gertzfield, VMware

Join Ben Gertzfield, lead developer on VMware Fusion, for an in-depthdiscussion on the challenges of internationalizing virtualizationsoftware for Mac.

Virtualization breaks down the walls between your computer and itssoftware by letting you run Mac, Windows, Linux, and other operatingsystems all at the same time. With virtualization, it's simple todevelop and test software on Japanese Windows, French Mac OS X, andRussian Linux, all without leaving the comfort of your Mac.

Crossing the boundary between operating systems presented the VMwareFusion development team with lots of fascinating problems to solve,including:

* Drag-and-drop of files between Windows and Mac OS X, handling thedifference in Unicode filename normalization and case-insensitivityrules between the two
* Supporting international keyboard layouts in Windows that requirekeys that don't exist on a Mac keyboard
* Internationalizing and localizing messages in a cross-processenvironment written in a wide variety of languages, including C, C++,Objective-C, and Objective-C++

Ben Gertzfield has been developing open-source and commercial softwaresince 1995, when he joined the Debian GNU/Linux team. In 2001, hemoved to Japan to do international software development at GlobalMedia Online, where he developed the internationalized email packagefor Python and Mailman. Ben developed PayPal's Unicode andinternationalization infrastructure in 2003, and now leads softwaredevelopment and internationalization on VMware Fusion for Mac.



Date: July 17, 2008, 7-9 p.m.

Location: Apple Computer, Apple Campus, 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino

Admission: $4; free for IMUG members


See links to Google/Yahoo/Microsoft Maps here:

Take the Saratoga/Sunnyvale Rd. [De Anza Blvd.] exit off 280,
turn south into Cupertino, go one block and turn left onto Mariani
Avenue, then take another left into 1 Infinite Loop. An IMUG
volunteer will be at the front door to escort you in and direct you
to the correct room (usually the Singapore Room).

Please arrive by 7:10 PM, as the front door to the building is not
monitored after this time.



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Added by jturley on July 7, 2008