Improv is for every actor! Ever want to take more risks with your choices on stage? Ever desire to be
more in the moment and less trapped in your head? Ever want to build better communication with
you scene partner? Are you ever nervous in that commercial audition when they ask you to improvise
a scene? Learn the basic te elements of the comic scene, how to make strong original character
choices, how to truly listen and support your scene partner. Learn to play classic short form improv
comedy games. You have seen the N Crowd do it, now learn how to do it yourself! Class size will be
limited, so sign up now!
When: Every Thursday 7p.m to 9 p.m. starting June 19th
Where: The Actors Center 257 N. 3rd Street
How Much: $200 for 7 Weeks or $40 For A Single Session
Instructor: N Crowd Artistic
Director Jessica Snow and other members of the troupe
To Enroll: Call 215-253-4276 for details
Official Website:
Added by BJDOCEVIL on June 6, 2008