Charlie Todd in Conversation with “Edward R. Murrow.”
From the legendary No Pants! Subway Ride to the Grand Central Freeze, Improv Everywhere has been responsible for some of the most original and subversive pranks of the Internet age. Come hear the creator Charlie Todd discuss the hilarious tales behind the infamous pranks that have made the group a global phenomenon.
The event is FREE and open to the public. For updates and additional information, please visit the website at The Bryant Park Reading Room located on the 42nd Street side of the park - under the trees - between the back of the NYPL & 6th Avenue. Look for the burgundy and white umbrellas. Rain Venue: Library of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen 20 West 44th Street (between 5th & 6th Avenue). New York City.
Official Website:
Added by Books212 on April 16, 2009