MM Research Seminar Series Summer 2008: "Working through the Publication Labyrinth: Keys to Advancing your International Research Agenda"
(Vortrag in Englisch)
Institut für Internationales Marketing und Management (IMM)
Datum: 30.04.2008
Uhrzeit: 15:30 - 17:30
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien (UZA 1)
Seminarraum des Instituts für Internationales Marketing und Management,
3. Stock, Kern B, Seite: Prof. Dr. Björn Ambos
Snacks and Drinks will be served after the discussion!
Weitere Informationen:
Dr. Griffith has published (or has forthcoming) over 70 academic and practitioner articles in journals including: Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of World Business, Thunderbird International Business Review, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Logistics, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, European Management Journal, Long Range Planning, Communications of the ACM, Marketing Management, Business Horizons, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, etc. He has also co-authored a textbook: Retailing (2002) by Dunne, Lusch and Griffith.
Dr. Griffith has previously taught at The University of Hawaii at Manoa, the Japan-America Institute of Management Science, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, The University of Oklahoma, and Kent State University. Dr. Griffith has received various teaching awards for excellence in the classroom. Dr. Griffith was the recipient of the Dennis Ching Outstanding Teaching Excellence Award (2001-2002) presented by the University of Hawaii College of Business Administration and sponsored by the Dennis Ching Memorial Foundation and was voted an Outstanding Graduate Faculty Member (2002-2003). While at the University of Oklahoma he was presented the Excellence in Leadership Award (2000-2001) by the Beta Epsilon Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi. He was also an OU Associates Teaching Fellow for 1999-2001 and was named an Outstanding Professor (1997-1998) by the University of Oklahoma Student Association. While at Kent State University he was awarded for his excellence in the classroom at both the departmental and college levels.
Added by walterra on April 29, 2008