Ladies and Gentlemen Make Plans now to join me for this life changing event! Reshape the new you tour focuses on reshaping the lives of men and women spiritually, physically, and financially. Come find out how you can learn how to take those first steps to getting healthy and staying there, increase your self esteem through our powerful motivation sessions and be reshape your financial future. Find out when we will be in your area. I promise you our events are life changing!
This Event Will Transform Your Life,
Boost your confidence and most of all... Reshape Your Life!
Here's Just Some of The Things You Will Learn That Will Absolutely Change The way You Look at Life Over The Next 90 Days and Why You Absolutely Cannot Afford to Miss This Event:
• How to do small things everyday to maintain good health!
• How simple goal setting can set you on the path to the life you want!
• How to get out of your own way so you can achieve those goals and dreams you've always wanted in life!
• Sample a taste of our premiere health drinks
• How to have the confidence to those first steps to creating financial freedom!
Gloria Ward is an award winning speaker, trainer, and successful entrepreneur. She has presented keynote speeches, workshops, and seminars nationwide and is expanding into international markets. Her high quality, high content, high energy programs are well researched and delivered in a down to earth style that everyone will remember.
Prior to becoming a full-time professional networker and speaker, Gloria was a successful
IT consultant in her company Xpert Consulting Group. Burnt out and with the discovery of Fibroids and other health issues, Gloria took charge of health and discovered new ways to live life and stay healthy
In 2009, Gloria founded Platinum Giants International, a training and development company with headquarters in Atlanta, GA. As President of Platinum Giants International, she leads a team of consultants who passion and focus is to help individuals get healthy and get on the right track to success.
Gloria has spoken to many audiences, many of them repeat engagements. Her coaching clients include ministers, corporate leaders, executives, and everyday people who want to change their lives.
Official Website: http://www.IMeetMarket.Com
Added by margaretsmeetmarket on September 8, 2009