'Images of Independence and Revolution' draws from the museum's varied collections to celebrate the Bicentennial of Mexican Independence of 1810 and Centennial of the Mexican Revolution of 1910. "Independence" and "revolution" are significant themes in Mexican and Chicano art. The display includes 19th century paintings, as well as 20th century Mexican folk art, works on paper, and documentary photographs that illustrate the cultural shifts brought on by these two historic events. Images of Independence and Revolution draws from the Museum's varied collections to celebrate the Bicentennial of Mexican Independence of 1810 and Centennial of the Mexican Revolution of 1910. "Independence" and "revolution" are significant themes in Mexican and Chicano art. The display includes 19th century paintings, as well as 20th century Mexican folk art, works on paper, and documentary photographs that illustrate the cultural shifts brought on by these two historic events.
Added by Upcoming Robot on November 19, 2010