Adobe illustrator is one of the most powerful tools used in the design community, so it is not a surprise that it can be a little intimidating.
Not to worry!
For the February Illustrator workshop we are going to take the app. head on and do a whole session on Tools and Palettes. This session will explore the details around each tool and palette in depth. We will look at best practices, productivity, tips and tricks, shortcuts, etc. We will also be demonstrating the use of Adobe Kuler ( and ColourLovers ( and how to create and integrate swatches from these services into your projects and templates.
This workshop is modeled for all skill levels and we are hoping all will come away with a better understanding of Illustrator and it's capabilities. Laptops are not required but can be brought if you would like to participate more interactively. If you have any questions about this or upcoming workshops please post a message to the IndyHall mailing list regarding "illustrator Workshop". Hope to see you all there
Official Website:
Added by jbiljr on February 5, 2008
Yeah can't wait
is this still on tonight? any chance of rescheduling due to weather?
We're still on!
i'm in - thanks guys!