923 West Weed Street
Chicago, Illinois



ILL NOISE Thursdays
Thursdays at Zentra have always catered to the needs of the Music Community in Chicago. Now we are going to take it up a notch bringing you the very best in House Music, Hip-Hop, & DanceHall under the new name : ILL NOISE Thursdays. House Arrest in collaboration with True Family Unit, Shack-O-Love & Chicago Groove is proud to present a new twist on a old Industry Night, featuring weekly Guest Talent alongwith a Grand Star-tending, Host & Resident DJ Staff ready to serve you. Join us and experience the difference.

Main Room
10-11 Mike Vargas
11-12 Dysqo

VIP Room
10-11 Devin S.
11-12 Mark Centennial

or any future spots pm me or email me

Added by Centennial on February 15, 2006