We are honored to have at this month’s REIA Guest speaker Liz Wiederhold, President, North Carolina Real Estate Investors Coalition (NCREIC) and Gardner Payne, Vice President, McGuire Woods Consulting, LLC., Lobbyist for NCREIC
They will discuss the most up-to-date information concerning what is happening with state regulation and the impact on real estate investing.
The North Carolina Real Estate Investors Coalition was founded about 6 years ago in response to attempts by some North Carolina legislators to pass a series of laws placing severe limitations on real estate investors. Large numbers of investors around the state, primarily through their local associations (REIAs), banded together to fight this action that was widely viewed as unwarranted, unjust and damaging to the business and the state overall. The effort was successful in stopping the specific legislation, but it highlighted concerns for future actions by the legislature.
Since then, other issues have arisen including the lease option regulations passed in October. The Coalition fought that action hard and succeeded in removing much of the objectionable language. But the effort goes on.
Liz and Gardner are at the very front lines of the legislative process. They continue to meet face to face with lawmakers as the Coalition seeks to protect the interests of real estate investors throughout the state.
Added by candysugarman on March 20, 2011