365 Fifth Avenue/ 34th street
New York City, New York


Annual Conference 2009


June 10-12, 2009

CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue, New York City
(cross street is 34th)

The 2008 U.S. Presidential election provides a new global landscape for social justice, peace and equity. Now is a critical moment to support and activate alliances that bridge the divide between academics, activists and policymakers across sectors, races, ethnicities, geographies, and generations, and create partnerships - many unlikely - for a progressive social agenda.

Join leaders from business, academia, philanthropy, advocacy, and policy communities to devise collective strategies for leadership and change.

Space is limited. To register, go to http://www.ncrw.org/events/conference2009/

Plenary themes:
• Powering Change: Is there a New Landscape for Social Justice?
• A New Agenda for Global Human Rights

Breakout themes include:
• Youth: Opportunities and Challenges for Building Leadership Pipelines
• Health and Reproductive Rights
• Women, War and Security
• Developing Political Agendas at State and National Levels
• Historical Memories, Current Challenges & the Future of the LGBT Movement
• Science, Environment and Technology
• Popular Culture and Gender Images
•Philanthropy, Social Entrepreneurship, and Activism
•Investing in Women and the Economy

Hosted by:

The Center for the Study of Women and Society CUNY Graduate Center

Co-Sponsored by:

Barnard Center for Research on Women, Center for Women in Government & Society at SUNY Albany, Demos, Girls Inc., Shirley Chisholm Center for Research on Women, U.S. National Committee for UNIFEM New York Chapter, The White House Project, The Women of Color Policy Network at New York University

Please visit www.ncrw.org for more information, or contact Kyla Bender-Baird at kbender-baird@ncrw.org, tel. 212-785-7335 x205.

Added by Nazarina on April 17, 2009

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