Ignite is a dozen speakers, each given 5 minutes to present a topic they’re interested in while 20 slides automatically rotate every 15 seconds. Yes Ignite is fast paced. This quick transfer of information is enough to let you, the audience, decide “do I want to hear more?” If you do, follow up with the speaker, or look more into the topic online. If not, well it was only 5 minutes. Ignite can help you explore new topics, make new connections, and be fun at the same time.
Topics include: Brewing beer, 30 days on Jet Blue, Bombs or Tupperware, Net Neutrality, Why you suck at PowerPoint, and more!
Cost: FREE
Location: CNM Smith Brasher Hall, Rm 100
Date/Time: December 2nd @ 6PM
Details & RSVP @ http://www.ignite-nm.com
Added by c_kenworthy on November 22, 2009