170 South Market Street
San Jose, California 95113

Every year we kick-off Where 2.0 with a combination Launchpad and Ignite event. This year is no different. So far we've got 10 geo-oriented Ignite talks paired with 4 product demos spread across two sets. We'll be starting the show at 7PM and will conclude by 9PM on May 19th at the Fairmount in San Jose. Bar opens at 6:30.

First Set (Starts 7:00)

Demo: Andrew Weinreich - Xtify

Xtify is a location-based services platform offered to website developers. Xtify is able to abstract location without the involvement of wireless carriers.

Demo: Brian Trussel - Glympse: Socializing LBS

The next generation personal location-based service products should be much more like sharing a phone call and a lot less like forming a baseball team. Sharing location is impulsive, like text messaging and it needs to be instant, simple and clean.

Demo: Noam Bardin - Waze

Waze drivers are building the first dynamic driving map reflecting the roads right now. Driving with waze mobile client lets users passively and actively share real time data and receive the optimal route to their destination. This level of dynamic information can only be achieved by drivers participating and sharing real driving data. Waze is all over Israel and will be coming to the US (currently Android only).

David Troy - Election 2008: Mapping Voter Experiences with Twitter Vote Report

With irregularities in the election process widely reported in 2000 and 2004, the 2008 election represented one of the first opportunities to use technologies like Twitter, SMS, and cell phones to document and map the election process. Twitter Vote Report was the result of work by activists and technologists, and created a permanent document of the 2008 election.

Sam Hiatt - Implementing Web Services for NASA's Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System

The ecological monitoring and forecasting lab at NASA Ames Research Center produces daily global estimates of parameters related to ecosystem condition. Implementing web services has increased accessibility and greatly improved the usefulness of our data products. We present the TOPS data gateway and show how it is being used by the US National Parks Service to assist resource management.

David Felcan - A Crime Early Warning System: Using Spatial Statistics to Detect Changing Geographic Patterns in Crime

Large quantities of spatial data can be as much a burden as a boon without the tools to properly tease out important details. For police, HunchLab enables early detection of changes in crime patterns, pulls information automatically out of millions of incident records, and provides the means of detecting and stopping crime spikes earlier than they would be found through more conventional means.

Adam DuVander - How Open Should Mapping APIs Be?

Google Maps is innovative, but also proprietary. Yahoo, Microsoft, and Mapquest also have equally closed platforms, while the open source JavaScript library Mapstraction ties them together with a single interface. This panel will discuss whether there should be a standard for interoperable mapping APIs, or whether there's more benefit and innovation to remaining proprietary.

Michelle Bowman - Here There Be Lions: The Cartography of the Future

A new breed of maps is emerging that are revealing breakthroughs in our understanding of biology, neuroscience, ecology and the physical world. We’re now able to map not just physical geographies, but genomes, neural pathways, emotions, social networks - even the global movement of ideas. These new maps tell powerful stories about the changes that will shape society over the next twenty years.

Second Set (Starts 8:15)

Demo: Tom Link - Product Launch: SpatialKey

SpatialKey is a next generation Information Visualization, Analysis and Reporting System. It is designed to help organizations quickly assess location based information critical to their organizational goals, decision making processes and reporting requirements.

Demo: Ahmed Lacevic & He Huang - Demographic Data Mining Using Social Explorer

We present a very powerful new tool for mining current and historical demographic data online. We will show a quick and easy way to find the data, visualize change over time using beautiful thematic maps, create slide-shows with a click of a button, exploring everything from income to rent affordability to slavery in 1790.

Peter Batty - Social Networking Based on Future Location

This presentation talks about the challenges in building a fine-grained model of a person's future location, and about the range of powerful applications that can be built off such a model. Many applications focus on the current location of a person and their friends - future location is harder to handle but arguably more useful.

Ariel Waldman - Space Hacks

From creating remote-sensing cubesats to analyzing aerogel: how the public is hacking into space exploration.

Tim Waters - MapWarper, An Open Source Online Map Rectifier

Utilising open source tools, a website is presented enabling a user to upload an image and rectify it. Maps can be rectified by the crowd. Rectified maps can used as WMS or packaged and downloaded as tiles. Metadata regarding provenance and licensing is captured. All maps are searchable, resulting in a library of user submitted maps. The application is free and open source.

Ian White - Got Smarts

The coming wave of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has been underway in the world of public infrastructure for over 10 years. Few are aware of the vast implications--fuel efficiency gains, lessened congestion, on-time trains, decreased accident rates/fatalities, the list goes on...But few outside the public sector are aware of what this means and how it will affect the morning commute.

Martin Flynn - OpenGTS - Open Source GPS Tracking System

OpenGTS (Open Source GPS Tracking System) was first made available in January of 2007 and is now in use in at least 33 different countries around the world for tracking vehicles, trucks, delivery vans, ships, people, phones, etc. This session will be an overview of the features and capabilities of the OpenGTS System available on SourceForge.

Eric Gundersen - Washington, DC's Government Push for Open Data and Map Mashups

This session will provide an overview of the Washington, D.C. government's recent decision to open up many of its public data streams for easy public use and the contest they sponsored to highlight the usefulness of this data.


Official Website: http://conferences.oreilly.com

Added by Brady Forrest on May 13, 2009