Ignite Ann Arbor is a biannual event that brings passionate people from throughout our community on stage to present 20 slides in 5 minutes about their interests. At Ignite Second Stage @ AADL, some of the best Ignite Ann Arbor presenters are invited to AADL to give an expanded version of their talk.
Television before World War II? In the 1920s and 30s, film and radio entrepreneurs on both sides of the Atlantic were inventing ways to transmit "movies by radio." This talk will explore the technology, people and infrastructure of mechanical television, focusing on the work of John Logie Baird, Charles Francis Jenkins and Hollis Baird, and the reasons that mechanical television never made it big.
Official Website: http://www.aadl.org/events/list?id=7856
Added by ann arbor district library on June 22, 2010