Ignite is a series of speakers talking about inspiring projects for 5 minutes. Then speakers switch, and another speaker gets their 5 minutes to inspire the audience. The presentations can be serious, funny, or somewhere in between.
Speakers include people from Design Philadelphia, Drexel Smart House, ArtSphere, Jason Allum (of RipIt), Jim Stogdill, Mark Yim of GRASP Labs, and more. The speakers are all doing exciting and inspiring things in Philadelphia.
The doors open at 6:00 PM, the talks start at 7:00 sharp. The last Ignite Philly sold out, so get there early if you want a front row seat. We'll have a live-stream running downstairs in the (likely) case we pack the place again.
The coordinators of Ignite Philly are :
Geoff DiMasi & Alex Gilbert (P'unk Avenue/Junto)
Vanja Buvac & Far McKon (TheHacktory/Make:Philly)
Chris Cera (Philly Startup Leaders)
Official Website: http://ignitephilly.org/
Added by FarMcKon on September 6, 2008