1350 Grant Street
Denver, Colorado 80203

Are you a single woman seeking a quality man in the Denver area? Do you meet a lot of men but they just don’t seem to be interested in a relationship? Are you tired of the bar scene, on-line dating or being set-up by well-meaning friends, co-workers and relatives? Would you like an alternative option for meeting great guys?

At Ignite Matchmaking we work with quality men who are looking for a relationship. We search for his ideal woman and we’d love to already know you!

Meet with us at a FREE information session to find out more.
What have you got to lose?

Date: Sunday, April 13, 2008
Time: 2-4pm
Location: Panera Bread, Community Room,
1330 Grant Street, Denver, CO
Garage Parking Available (It may say “monthly parking” but there are customer parking spaces available with a back entrance into Panera Bread)
RSVP: Rachel@ignitematchmaking.com
Website: www.ignitematchmaking.com

Official Website: http://www.ignitematchmaking.com

Added by Ignite MM on March 7, 2008

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