1508 Sw 8th St
Miami, Florida 33135

Experience the rhythm, flavor and movement of traditional African, Caribbean and Latin American dance at the 12th Annual IFÉ-ILÉ Afro-Cuban Dance and Music Festival, founded by internationally-renown dancer and choreographer Neri Torres.

The four-day festival kicks-off on Wednesday, July 14, at 7 p.m. with a screening of the film Nosotros la Musica (We are the Music) at Miami Dade College’s (MDC) Tower Theater, followed by a performance of the Afro-Cuban Hip-Hop group, Ogguere.

In addition, the festival will offer a series of dance and drumming workshops where beginners and advanced participants alike will have the opportunity to learn various dance styles, including Guaguancó, Orisha, Son, Gagá, Congo, Arará, Contemporary Afro-Modern dance, West African, Batá drumming, and more. The workshops will take place at Florida International University.

For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit www.ife-ile.org, call 305-476-0832 / 305-796-1125, or send e-mail to ifeiledancecompany@yahoo.com.

Added by Culture Hive on May 25, 2010

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