The Group Rep presents Joanna McClelland Glass' IF WE ARE WOMEN, directed by Sherry Netherland, produced by Richard Alan Woody. In this insightful drama with comedy, a writer approaching middle age, her illiterate mother, her Jewish mother-in-law, and her daughter find themselves emotionally stranded as they weigh the choices each of them have made as women. February 10 - April 1, 2012. Runs weekends in repertory with COBB. Tickets: $22; Seniors/Students: $17; Groups 10+: $15. Friday night Ladies Night tickets 1/2 for ladies. or (818) 763-5990. Lonny Chapman Theatre, 10900 Burbank Boulevard, NoHo 91601.
Cast features Jacque Lynn Colton, Marcia Loring, Annie Mackay, & Lisa McGee-Mann
Official Website:
Added by nohonora on February 9, 2012