215 S. Tyler Street
Dallas, Texas 75208

“IF BY CHANCE” World Premiere by Donnie F. Wilson opens Friday, March 6th, at 8:00 PM in the Bishop Arts Theatre Center in Oak Cliff. Preview Thursday March 5th at 7:30 PM. Runs Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday March 5th through March 15th. Thursday performances at 7:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday matinee performances at 3 PM. Friday and Saturday performances at 8 PM. Ticket prices: $15 online, $20 door. Online advanced ticket sales www.withoutlabels.com

“IF BY CHANCE” is Donnie F. Wilson’s world premiere directly inspired by our society’s preoccupation with Barack Obama’s ethnicity. President Obama, being a bi-racial man, has charged many to question how we think of and label race. Wilson wanted to present a work that would reveal a subtle truth about the cognitive frames that shape our thinking about the subject. Motivated by a local teenage actor who had bouts of legal troubles before discovering acting, Wilson wrote this piece specifically for the young man. The combination of his inspiration and motivation resulted in “IF BY CHANCE”, a moving drama about a biracial college student who strives to be judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin.

“IF BY CHANCE” is directed by Bill Fountain. Cast: Cameron Law, Perri Camper, Lisa Whitfield, Monique Vazquez, Janis Roscoe, Alan Jackson, Arnulfo Diaz & Malcolm Underwood. Produced by The MET Theatre, Donnie F. Wilson & Ashley Head.
Bishop Arts Theatre Center is located at 215 S. Tyler Street Dallas, TX 75208. For additional information, visit www.withoutlabels.com or call (310) 460-9092.

Added by ashyhead81 on February 10, 2009